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A truth-telling, anti-Marxist parody of JMU's Diversity Toolbox

Ableism – The suggestion that preferring able people is a form of oppression*. (Truly woke* neo-Marxists* seek to dismantle* societal institutions, in all their aspects, and this includes replacing able professionals with clowns, bums, or Critically-conscious* sabateurs.)
Accountability – The woke* utilitarian justification for admitted injustices. E.g, the police officers who knelt upon George Floyd may’ve been innocent, but should be convicted, as if they were guilty, merely for the sake of nation-wide police accountability.
Ally – Moderates not personally invested in the Critically-conscious* neo-Marxist* DEI* agenda, or in a particular minority, are conditioned to enter into the ‘Ally zone.’ Here, it’s enough that a person simply doesn’t oppose the woke* agenda, but just remains silently approving.
Belonging – Obligatory spontaneous celebration, inversely proportional to a person/thing’s need for Safe Space*. (It was a pious U.S.S.R. tradition, that the first person to stop celebrating was hauled away to be sacrificially canceled*, in secret, with a gunshot.)
Black Lives Matter (BLM) – A front-organization run by self-professed “trained Marxists*,” which rioted the entire summer of 2020, killing 24, to try to hurry up Marx’s prophesied day of universal world revolution. (Meanwhile, its leaders, just like in Animal Farm, spent the proletariat’s hard-earned donations on $12M of luxury properties in LA & Toronto, then claimed victimization for suffering scrutiny.)
Cancel – To topple any privileged* or colluding* person.
Cis-Normativity – A designation used to characterize a normalized majority (heterosexuals) as if they were a mere minority, or at least co-equal sharer in legitimacy, together with a fringe, deviant peculiarity (Transgenders). As with Hetero-Normativity*, call this out as gobbledygook, and insist that they say "Cis-Normalcy." See Transgender*, Gender*. ("Cis-" is Latin for "here within," i.e, within normalcy.) "Metaphysics of Gender" leaflet.
Climate Justice – The application of global Communism (See Justice*), to Climate Change, to get rich nations to commit financial suicide, while pretending to prop up poor nations. See ESG* score.
Collusion / Complicity – Preventing someone from eliminating oppression*. All moderates are either colluders (bad), or allies* (good).
Colonization – The arrival of (anyone with) ideology*. Opposite of Migration*, DeColonization*.
Color-blindness – Gentle rebuke for any ally* who doesn’t sufficiently parrot Critical Race Theory*’s dogma about universal minority marginalization* & oppressed victimhood.
Critical – 1950s Frankfurt neo-Marxist* School’s term for properly seeing something with the correct neo-Marxist attitude, usually as oppressed-or-oppressor. E.g, “2+2 = 4” is an act of Oppression*, but “2 bigotries + 2 bigotries = 4 bigotries” an act of DeColonization*.
Critical Consciousness – Synonym for woke*. It’s when a person finally arrives at the utopian realization that it’s not about fixing this-or-that wrong, but about advancing the general Hegelian dialectic-process thru deeper-&-deeper cancellation*-purges (Bloodshed is optional !), until arrival at the Omega point (Great Reset*) of world revolution, when everyone will universally confess the new worldwide creed, and their proper identity within it, thus rewriting history & reality. See critical*.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) – The suggestion that not just individuals, but the very structure/fabric of society itself is intrinsically racist, incurably so (like a virus), and only woke* neo-Marxists* can see and solve it, with a draconian revolution.
Cultural Marxism – Synonym for “Class Warfare.” Everyone-&-everything must be divided into marginalized* victim groups, or privileged* oppressor groups. Then the disparity between them must be deconstructively harped upon, until the “oppressors*” crumble or confess collusion*, and the “victims” correctly parrot a Critically conscious* activist-identity. Individuality & Universality (the common human experience), must therefore be de-emphasized, and "Identity Politics" must be hyper-emphasized.
Culture – Similar to ideology*, any habit which is resistant to the dialectic process toward world revolution, and which must therefore be shamed & renounced as oppressive* to someone.
Cultural (Mis)Appropriation – An excuse to blame one culture for liking another culture, since all cultures & identities, are ultimately supposed to be erased.
Decolonization – The removal of ideology* — Liberalism, Religion, Sciences, anything — unlearning it, and then optionally Gnostically relearning it with proper woke* jargon & disapproval.
DEI (BF) – Diversity*, Equity*, Inclusion*; and optionally Belonging* & Justice*.
Discrimination – Unequal mis-treatment of marginalized* groups. (But unequal mis-treatment of privileged* groups is accountability*, e.g, in “Affirmative Action” programs. See Tolerance*.)
Dismantle – The principal modus operandi of all of neo-Marxism, en route to bringing about world revolution (the Great Reset): All institutions and social constructs must be systematically unbuilt, by (1-externally) "calling out"/"problematizing" their inequities*, and (2-internally) infiltrating and then de-Colonizing* their ideologies*. See also Critical Consciousness*.
Diversity – The obligatory hiring, not of diverse people, per se, but of Diversity experts (“apparatchiks”), able to parrot & spread all this critical- neo-Marxist* dogma / techno-jargon.
ESG – A rating currently given to world corporations of their level of Environmental, Social, and Governance responsiveness, by their woke asset-management overlords, to force these companies to hire & obey DEI officers, so that neo-Marxism may capture and control the formerly Free Market.
Equity – Socialism. (The redistribution of wealth/truth until everyone has equal amounts.) In the processing dialectic of History, it’s the stage, just before Justice* (Communism).
Gender – The imaginary, fantasy correlative to one’s real, biological sex. Gender can change or redefine itself, as flippantly or creatively, as one’s feelings change, and this must be insisted upon, to liberate* people from the former oppressive* ideology* of Natural Law, wherein they were supposed to conform to the so-called ‘nature’, in which they were supposedly created. See Transgender*. "Metaphysics of Gender" leaflet.
Great Reset – The dawning of world revolution, by reaching the Omega point, when all opposition has been finally removed to implementing a neo-Marxist* belief, or policy, so that it may be dictated autocratically from the top, by woke* neo-Marxist* Party leadership. This is achieved by making the "Long march through the institutions," to capture the major pillars of society: Education, Media, Government, Corporations, and Religion.
(Hetero)normativity – Pigeonholing label, to suggest that taking something normal (heterosexuality), to be normal, is, first of all, even deliberately chosen ("___ed", signified by the "-at-" infix); and then, that it is a specific, narrow, and splinter-minority choice ("-ivity"); and not what it actually is, namely, mere apprehension of universals ("norms"), in objective reality. Call this out as manifestly false gobbledygook, and insist that users simply say, "(Hetero-)Normalcy." See Queer*.
Ideology – A slur for any pre-existing beliefs (except Marxist* Critical consciousness* Theory, which alone doesn’t count as ideology, but as Science*).
Inclusion – Censorship & cancellation* of anyone/anything contrarian. See Safe Space*.
Intersectionality – Attention to the number of victimhoods that intersect in a person: The more victimhoods that you can show to intersect in you, the more authentic you are, and the more you can-&-should help demand arbitrary concessions, as accountability*.
Justice – The long-term goal: Voluntary Communism. (But, according to Marx, this will only occur after a traumatic period of enforced Socialism.) See Great Reset*.
LGBTQ – As phase 2 of the Sexual Revolution*, it a catchall omnibus platform of sexual “filth[s]”, effectively a test-case, to see if an ally* is truly willing to check all their common sense, values, and very soul, to promote extreme Inclusivity* (militancy) & Belonging* (celebratoryness), thus also demonstrating their advancement-potential, as activists, in the similarly-unnatural brainwashing scheme, neo-Marxism*.
Liberation – Any Marxist* success. Most commonly, liberation from the liberal order, including Enlightenment Rationalism and Capitalism, so that they'll be 'free' (?!) to exist in a highly-regulated Socialist redistribution-system, instead. Synonym for DeColonization*, e.g, Liberation Theology is where one un-learns Theology, so that it may be re-learned, in a neo-Marxist* context.
Marginalization – Synonym for victimhood. Opposite of Privilege*.
Marxism – The notion that there are ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’, and that the ‘haves’ use their possessions to control and oppress the ‘have-nots,’ so they need to be repeatedly cancelled*, until everyone is a ‘have not.’ Synonym for Justice*. See Cultural Marxism*.
Migration – The arrival of anyone who hides their ideology*. Opposite of Colonization*.
Neo-Marxism – In additon to Marxism*, the notion that there are ALSO ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ in ideas, and that the ‘haves’ use their knowledge to control and oppress* the ‘have-nots,’ so they need to be repeatedly cancelled*, until everyone knows nothing, except what has been reframed from a neo-Marxist perspective. Synonym for woke*, and Critically conscious*. See Cultural Marxism*.
Non-binary – A piece of jargon useable (1) to sound technical; or (2) to demonstrate one’s openness-of-mind to be so total, that one could believe anything, even neo-Marxism*
Oppression – Ever since the Frankfurt School (1950s), it’s any knowledge that enables knowers to have power over ignoramuses. (Perpetuating such knowledge is Collusion*.) Alternatively, it’s any power-imbalance, whatsoever.
Patriarchy – Panacea-slur with which to disparage any authority whatsoever, on the basis of its association with the male gender*; or any male on the basis of his/hir/its/their/sein+ association with authority.
Prejudice – An un-justified judgment about a group. (E.g. the terms patriarchy*, and racial Capitalism* would be excellent examples of prejudice, except that they were coined by the woke* who alone bring about Justice*, and who alone have the Gnostic insight to justly define groups.)
Privilege – Inability to demonstrate victimhood, and thus consequent cancel*-ability. Opposite of marginalization*.
Queer – To goad youth into testing out various kinds of sex, so as to destabilize their sexual identities & values, and thus transform them into confused, angry Relativistic activists.
Race – A made-up social construct, that doesn’t exist; but it does exist for purposes of assigning oppression*, marginalization*, and right to demand accountability*.
Racial & Ethnic Identity – Similar to gender*-identity, it’s a secret loophole, enabling newly woke* privileged* people, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, to slyly transition to marginalized* status, merely by identifying as the race/ethnicity of their former victims. However, they must do it authentically, dressing–acting–&–talking like, advocating for, and celebrating their new race/ethnicity. Poor actors may be deemed guilty of Cultural Appropriation*.
Racial Capitalism – The notion that capitalism (a.k.a. “The Free Market”) is inherently racist, because it considers the existence of race*, when, as a stereotypical oppressor, it has no right to do that. (But Capitalism does have the right to consider race, if it duly consults neo-Marxist* experts, who alone have the insight to define groups, and their appropriate* aptitudes. Such consultation occurs, thru the hiring of DEI* staff, to direct them, and avocate for them, that they are in fact liberating*, rather than oppressing*.)
Racialization – Racism* toward an entire ethnicity.
Racial Reconciliation – A show-trial, within one’s local community, that culminates in Justice* within that community, converting the entire community into a Safe Space*. Reparations* then become no longer necessary, since accountability* can then be imposed, by the more regular means, of top-down party dictats.
Racism – Given that race* sometimes exists, but sometimes doesn’t exist, racism occurs, any time that a consideration of race ought not to occur, but does; or ought to occur, but doesn’t. Again, it should only occur for purposes of assigning oppression*, marginalization*, and right to demand accountability*.
Racist – Anyone colluding* with a racist policy, or government. (Given that all govern-ments on earth currently excerise racist bias in favor of their own particular racial majority, everyone who is not a government-&-society-dismantling, woke*, globalist revolutionary, is a racist.)
Reparations – A form of accountability*; it’s a mere token acknowledgment, that a person can never fully atone for their ancestors’ possible crimes,’ consequential damages to that ancestor’s victim’s partial descendants, but that their ancestors’ victim’s partial descendants hold eternal rights to unending, on-demand reparations, up and until some point where Equity* occurs.
Safe Space – A holy area, defended from contrarian ideology*, where persons of victimhood can receive the nourishing sacraments of the coming neo-Marxist* utopia, imagining how it will someday be EVERYWHERE! (Safe spaces are temporary micro-cosms that should grow, over time, someday merging with the future Communist state.)
Science – An oppressive* social construct, which discounts other “knowledges,” or “ways of knowing.” To some theorists, like Gramsci, the only true science is Marxism*.
Sexual Revolution – Sweeping 1960s cultural shift, sparked by neo-Marxism*'s founder, Herbert Marcuse, that liberated* Western Society from the sexual norms of Modesty, spousal Exclusivity, and fruitfulness, with new institutions like the bikini, No-fault Divorce, contraception, and abortion.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) – The process of brainwashing children, without their realizing it. It involves 1.) Searching for emotionally Generative Themes. 2.) Codifying & Decodifying the cultural item to be destroyed. 3.) Problematizing it for them, to create 4.) their Conscientization, as a cloned activist or ally* (at least for this socio-political issue).
Structural Racism – Collusion* with the idea that population-wide histories, cultures, and institutions should be allowed to compete, and produce unequal outcomes. Solved by implementing Equity*, or just Marxism*.
Targeted Universalism – Like in archery, staying mindful of the ultimate target, which is universal world revolution.
Tokenism – The Plantational, and later Democrat Party tradition of maintaining domestic servants (e.g, figurehead president Barak Obama) around the administration hub, as a token of supposed minority approval & involvement, without giving them actual power. (Conservatives, by contrast, typically don’t hire/vote for such token-individuals, unless they can demonstrate (1) skills and (2) selfless, enthusiastic, interpersonal cooperation.)
Tolerance – Neo-Marxism*'s mastermind, Herbert Marcuse, wrote that "Liberating* [i.e, neo-Marxist] Tolerance then would mean intolerance against movements from the Right, and toleration of movements from the Left." A.k.a. "Repressive Tolerance."
Transformative – A term for the intended changing of society into a progressively more Socialist, and ultimately Communist, form.
Transgender – The anti-Realist, anti-Scientific, Idealistic fantasy that there are social constructs, associated with sex, but not sex, but twistable to association with the opposite sex, or no sex; and that neither 30 trillion body-encoding, unanimous, pieces of DNA evidence, nor any Theological, Philosophical, or Ethical authority, should have any say in contesting this fantasy. See Gender*, Cis-Normativity*. "Metaphysics of Gender" leaflet.
White Fragility – The gleeful moment when whites finally snap, and over-react, thus making them framable as oppressors.
White Supremacy – (Note: Most people think of KKK-style 'White supremacy,' but this meaning isn't that one.) Anyone who doesn't ascribe to woke*, neo-Marxist* Critical Theory*, ascribes instead to White Supremacy merely because they consent to quietly live in and use institutions that historically or geographically emerge(d) from white societies. NO, this concept ISN'T prejudice*. . . . We insist! . . . Rather, it's a conclusion of critical consciousness*.)
Whiteness – Convenient jargon to co-condemn any token* blacks who don’t sufficiently act according to their new, neo-Marxist*-assigned black identity.
Woke – Street-talk synonym for the academic term Critical consciousness*.
-X – Suffix to specify gender*-indeterminacy, e.g, instead of Latino, or Latina, write Latinx, even if Latinxes never use this word. What?? NO, this ISN'T Cultural (Mis)Appropriation*, because woke* experts alone have Gnostic insight to authentically & appropriately define people.
Xenophobia – A disparaging label for anyone unexcited about merging with their neighbors, and losing their identity, as called for by the Communist agenda.